Monday, August 15, 2011

Bert and Ernie are not gay - Post 9

 I just read  and watched a news article of one mans mission to see Bert and Ernie on Sesami Street get married. If you have been living under a rock for about a couple decades you will may not know about Sesami Street and the show it puts on. It is a kids learning show for kids, it has iconic puppets such as Big bird, The Count, Snuffleufagus, Glover, Cookie Monster, and Elmo just to name a few. In this motley crew comes Bert and Ernie, there anticts are fun loving. These two friend live together and sleep in the same bed. For kids this has not been a problems but in this age we see adults secretly saying that they are gay couple and it's just the show trying to make a gay couple acceptable.
Let me tell you something. Burt and Ernie are not gay and even if they were it would be ok. The show has stated numerous time that these are puppets and are not humans thus they do not live up or should not be conceived to be a gay human couple. In my opionion anybody that has to publicaly move to a step further and ask the show to just marry the two is out of there mind. They have nothing better to do. Leave Burt and Ernie alone they are a kids show, one that I loved as a child and one that my kids also enjoy. To the parents that will not let your child watch this because they do not like the concept of a gay couple, they are missing the point. This show is all about education and learning and new things. If the parents rather let the kids watch Pokemon or some other anime type of show they are wasting a great importunity of having there child learn. To the man in the video trying to get the puppet duo to get married: get a life.

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