I love star wars. I love everything about it, the good the bad and the ugly. Star wars has ingrained itself in pop culture. I see references in commercials, TV shows, movies. If someone said said " I am your father" most everybody would know where that reference comes from. I love the idea of star war universe. The creator George Lucas is a genius. The movies have been seen all over the world and kids and adult love getting caught up in a "Galaxy Far Far Away". But why does this movie capture our minds and hearts? Was it the great acting, the memorable scenes, the futuristic weapons, the robots, the theme of good vs. evil or was it just that it was all of it tied into one incredible movie. What kid would have love to have his very own lightsaber? This kid, or a blaster to shoot stormtroopers, or have the ability that the Force gave the Jedi? As a dad I can now share my love for starwars to my son and daughter. It is fun when we have lightsaber battles and for holloween we dressed up like starwars characters.

Of course Lucas has capitalized on his films popularity and had done very well marketing everything starwars.
You can buy almost anything with a starwars theme or logo on it.
If you have not see the original movies you need to see them and if you think that the new ones are better that the old ones then you should know that these movies were made in the late 70 and probably before they were born and they should not wreck the best movies of all time. I can appreciate the new ones for what they are, the beginning of the adventure. Yes there are characters that I did not like such as the Ewoks and the Jar Jar from the new movies, but they were a necessary evil to make the movie what it is. The end of the part six was not the end of the story. The story continues in book form and keeps going on and on. So if you don't want the story to end I encourage you to pick up a book and get ready to be immersed in wonder and amazement.
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